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racer hero
S3 licensed
I started 10th, and quickly moved up to the top 5. I then was just consistant and after the first pitstop ended up 3rd. Was trying to chase down 2nd place and Nolan during the second stint, until I somehow spun it exiting t1. Was the 17 seconds behind Nolan and 12 seconds behind p2. Exiting the pits after the final pitstop, 2nd place crashed into the wall and destroyed his car, giving me 2nd position. I ended the race 7 seconds behind Nolan, and I think if I hadn't spun in the middle stint I may have had a shot at him. Although, he may not have road so easy throughout the whole last stint if I was closer too him.

Atleast I'm ready for week 1 of the DP!
racer hero
S3 licensed
Lap and Timecode: lap 87, turn 1.
Cars involved: 14(?), 20
brief description of incident: 14 on the inside, 20 on the outside, 14 just acts like were not there and shoves us in the wall. Causes us undriveable damage and lots of time.
racer hero
S3 licensed
I think I'm currently in the top 50, only managed a 1.38.8 though. I'll probablly be in the 2nd or 3rd split with my 3774 iRating, so hopefully I'll be closer to the front of the field! Good luck everyone, its gonna be fun!
racer hero
S3 licensed
Kenneth O'Keefe, Nolan Scott, Phil Diaz.
racer hero
S3 licensed
Update to CoRe Racing #20 FZR.
racer hero
S3 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :But still, I belive it looks a bit confusing for the average community member

It's only confusing if your brainless. Just because he does stuff a bit different from all the other teams doesn't mean it is wrong.
racer hero
S3 licensed
Good luck, Greg.
racer hero
S3 licensed
I voted Sundays, as long as we can keep it from conflicting with iTCC.
racer hero
S3 licensed
iRacing <3

Welcome all, and grats on the DWC Nolan!
racer hero
S3 licensed
lfs username: racer hero
display name: CoRe K.O'Keefe
racer hero
S3 licensed
CoRe Racing FZR
racer hero
S3 licensed
Quote from racer hero :Team Name: CoRe Racing
Number: 20
Car: FZR
puzzle, R.Santos, POR
burnsy1882, K.Burns, USA
jensbrix, J.Christensen, DEN

fletch248, M.Fletcher, GBN

racer hero
S3 licensed
Team Name: CoRe Racing
Number: 20
Car: FZR
puzzle, R.Santos, POR
burnsy1882, K.Burns, USA
jensbrix, J.Christensen, DEN

fletch248, M.Fletcher, GBN
Last edited by racer hero, .
racer hero
S3 licensed
Do it in Buffalo.
racer hero
S3 licensed
We have enough road cars... more cars will just decrease numbers in the other series. We need something new, karting or dirt racing..
racer hero
S3 licensed
Quote from AstroBoy :Just two curious questions.
Does driving side matter? Like LHD or RHD?
And when do the practice sessions start?

I don't think it's in the rules, but LHD is obviously faster at an oval?
racer hero
S3 licensed
LFS Username: racer hero
First and Last Name: Kenneth O'Keefe
Country Code: CAN
Desired Car Number: 73
Team Affiliation: CoRe Racing
racer hero
S3 licensed
Well, there goes my iTCC debut.
racer hero
S3 licensed
I'm running a private set from Jason Burstein. It's perfect. Let me know when your gonna race and we'll jump in a vent server together.
racer hero
S3 licensed
I'm racing trucks at Milwaukee this week. Gotten 2 wins 1 second and 1 forth so far, and my SR has gone up 1.7x already, iRating up 300.
racer hero
S3 licensed
racer hero
S3 licensed
Welcome back Darko !
racer hero
S3 licensed
WR setups are shit if your gonna drive them with 32% IR without changing anything, which is what he is saying I believe.
racer hero
S3 licensed
Sure, for an average one. Not a really good one though...
racer hero
S3 licensed
Quote from andRo. :LOL, yes they are! There are many WR setups, you just change the gearbox, and the wings, and your GT setup is done.

No, it's not... everything must be changed to make a good GT2 setup. Don't tell people they're wrong when really you are the one that is incorrect.